Friday, April 03, 2009

Mini Holiday Everyday

Last weekend after a three-day hike with my very good friend Tiina I felt so much elevated on my return. I was happy all the time. I was thinking what is it that makes me so high right after a trek or hike. I have discovered the link between the physical activity in nature associated with trekking and the state of being. It is something extraordinary and beyond words can explain. It is some kind of miracle processing that goes on within us without our notice when are in nature and back to basics.

On my return from the hike last weekend I found myself so very positive – a feeling of enlightenment however small bit that was. And after a day or two of getting back to regular city-life this wonderful feeling seemed to fade away. I seemed to be getting back to a city-stress-life with so many things to worry about and the unrest that comes with this. My longing for such an elevated state of being grows more and more.

Today I was early on my way to office, and out of nowhere I got this feeling that I should extend my biking to a late morning exercise. I quickly popped into my office to lay off the extra weight of books. I was quite excited as I left off. Initially I was thinking of doing a bit round around the city. Then suddenly Chobhar and Dakshinkali occurred to me. Woow what a feeling of this mini holiday on a weekday!

The ride was quite good. I was enjoying every bit of it. I was so much in the rhythm and it made the ride non-tiring. After arriving almost halfway to Dakshinkali I took a break at a very beautiful teashop by the road side. It was a village house with red mudding floor and traditional hay-carpet on to sit on an elevated brick wall. It looked onto wonderful view of Khokana Village down in the valley. The cup of tea was very very enjoyable as I relaxed there for a while. My body felt high like my mind did last weekend.
On my way back I stopped briefly at Tauda Lake. I realized how wonderful this way is – staring a day with a little holiday possibly every day!

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