Sunday, April 19, 2009

Nagarjun ride

Today happened to a very good biking experience.

BJ, his colleague and a new guy were waiting by teashop near the bridge today. Had a cup of tea and slowly others started to pull in. Was nice to see some new and some old faces.

BJ and his colleague left off because they wanted to back at work early, while I joined new found friends. They were practicing for forthcoming race. I thought it would be a good work out.

We first rode up all the way to Mudhku Dhoka, Nagarjun hill. Took a water break, and went through the Mudhku Dhoka uphill. We arrived this beautiful village, took right turn after the school and went down. After crossing a stream it was steep ascent. Phew! I had to take several breaks.

Later, slowly and eventually climbed up and met the highway keeping Nagarjun hill on the left. Passed Osho Tapoban, and arrived at the Mudhku Dhoka again. I was so out of energy, I eat heavily at the roadside teashop. It felt better!

I had to be at work so I left with another guy who too had to be at his work. The others were on next leg of the practice to Swayambhu. We swift flew down the highway and it was very nice ending to today's biking.

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