Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Amsterdam trip

Leiden, 6 July 2009

Feeling tired after a day trip to Amsterdam. We only knew we wanted to be there, and had no idea where to go and what to see. Took a while preparing ourselves before leaving for the trip.

While on train to Amsterdam got in touch with Sam and it was really nice to hear her voice. She was awaiting for us next to the two-storey bicycle parking lot next to Ibis hotel. Ya, it was really amazing to see her here in her home city. We walked to one of nice coffee shops in main Amsterdam, and it was a nice chat. She explained the Amsterdam map in a very simple way by means of the canals that go around in concentric circles. It was a very easy idea, and was invaluable.

We were near Anna Frank's house, and the queue to get into her home was a long one. We made a picture to remind us of the important historic home and continued walking towards the museum complex in Museum Plein. We took a left instead of taking right, and then everything went wrong. We later used sister's iPhone to figure out and it was such a nice feeling to see a clear yellow line leading us from the lost point of Rembrandtplein to Museum Plein. We started following the GPS-like map which also showed us where we were on the route. That was a really nice clue. But, later we discovered, after getting a bit tired of walking, we could instead take a much shorter route than following the highlighted route on the map. So, it was a long walking back again, and then we were finally at the Museum Plein.
After a little drink at a cafe we walked a little towards the green open space and had some food.

After a short rain we walked back to the Amsterdam Centraal. On the way was an amazing display of shops of paintings and antiques and what not. It was simply a spectacle for us. After we got to the station we took a ferry to the other side of this huge canal to see the Ij Festival. This was a recommendation from Sam again, and it is a theatre festival going on for couple of days here in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and few other cities as well. We were quite excited about it for an evening. We got there and right at the dock were few clowns to welcome and direct guests to the festival. This was really special, and this clown guy talked to us for a while as well and greeted with Namaskar. It felt good, and we headed to the festival premise. There were many structures and places and we went into one where people seemed to queue up. We got information about the shows for today, and we grabbed a seat to think about what to do next.

We were, in fact, tired. We decided to head back home, and have a peaceful dinner. As we were heading out we got to know about this special project the Green Peace was voicing for. It was for making special areas in sea to protect and preserve the ecology there from human invasion. This was nice to sign in for, and, thus, adding our voice for the cause. Then, we got two little gifts and special theatre performance they had. It was really unique and creative idea. It was an individual at a time. It was a feeling of being in the sea inside this tent. As I entered the tent it was cool sand on the floor – very soothing for the tired feet. Then the webbed human-fish guided to the little swing inside, and swayed back and forth. There was a background music of the sea. I went deeper and deeper inside the sea, and the sound made it feel so real. I am perplexed by the vastness of the sea, and it is quite scary feeling sometimes. I had closed my eyes and I knew there was nothing that would harm me. It was just my mind making up the scary thing. Then I opened my eyes to find the fish by my side and smiling at me. It was really nice, and I smiled back as I swayed in the swing. A little ahead of me she (the human-fish) spotted another human-fish (this one a guy) in the hiding. It seemed a bit scared, probably a message of how unkind the human invasion has been into the waters of the world. She was trying to signal to him of her presence, and he was looking from the hide. He took care not to be noticed, and eventually moved his hand-fin towards her. They both were almost meeting each other when suddenly the guy-fish retreated by the sound of the approaching human vessel. He went back deep into hiding, and the human-fish next to me was sad. The theatre ended there and she then guided me outside. I thanked her and the crew before leaving, and it was such a unique experience.

Then, we were on our way back to the Amsterdam Centraal and home to Leiden.
In Leiden we got some vegetables to make Thai curry, and I ate some ready-to-eat Tuna fish on our way home. We were really really tired by then. I simply fell off on sofa, and sister went to prepare food. I later joined her and we had some really nice warm food.

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