Monday, July 06, 2009

Leiden, Holland

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Arriving here in Leiden has been like coming to some wonderland with narrow streets, lots of people on bicycles, huge parking places for bicycles, beautiful canals with people on their boats, small and cute houses and proximity to a bustling life.

It is quite amazing to find my sister on her little bicycle come receive me at the train station. Never have we met or travelled so far from Nepal. This is such an amazing feeling, and a surprising one, to find that I am here with my sister in Leiden, Holland.

We went to her nice apartment where she shares the space with two other beautiful Dutch girls. I had had sort sleep the previous night. Travelled from Neinburg to Leiden without any sleeping in the train I was feeling a little out of balance within. Thought I would take some rest, but then it was not working. We went out, hired a bicycle, and went around. She first took me to her university, and we had a much awaited chat in a garden. Then, we went back into the bustling city, and got some dinner. It was a really nice evening sun sitting next to the canal and watch the boats and life pass by. I was quite amazed at how the Dutch people have created their cities with so much water flowing through them. It is simply such a nice feeling to have that flowing water and the possibility to be on it so near and quick. Then we went home, and after a little chat I was fast asleep.

After waking up this morning, we decided to go the sea. It took us about an hour or even more as we stopped at one place on the way to the beach. Arriving to the sea was a really nice moment, to see the vast water is always so thrilling and the smell so unique. There were many locals holidaying for Sunday, and it was a real happening place. We walked a while and found a place to sit. Sister went into the water, and it was cold. Later we walked along the shore for a while until we came across a group of seagulls taking time off on the beach. We sat facing away from the sea and watched them. After a while we decided to ride back home.

We went to the same easy fast-food for Chinese noodles which I seemed to like so much since last dinner. I thought this was the now enough and no more the same noodles. Then we went home.

Tomorrow we leave for a day trip in Amsterdam!

1 comment:

mahésheous said...

Pleased to know that your enjoying your Iamsterdam trip. Any plans to London? Let me know. My heart is open to welcome you.
Wish you have more fun, more joy and more excitements.

Oh! yeah, I recommend weed at Iamsterdam café! Life time experience. It won't harm thou'
