Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Feels absolute calm and peace being here at Anki's home. This is after a 6-day festival at Fusion, and I come back with a different spirit than when I had left. I can feel a transformation within me - decisive and yet stillness of a water that runs deep. I also understand Anki so much more now. I want to tell her how special this realiyation has been. Ya, this is what life has in store - a bag full of surprises; and discovering just one of them makes one wonder in awe. How gracious this existence can be in giving these wonderful gifts that we so deserve. And we need not worry if we had to give back anything in return - we are simply bestowed by the grace of universe to celebrate life.

I am so amazed to find myself here today, at this moment, feeling calm and happy and I can't seem to stop letting this appreciation out.

Berlin, 30th June 2009

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