Friday, December 03, 2010

MMAS dreaming!

Everything looks so full of life, in their own rhythm. It's finally coming true!

On the banks of Tama Koshi cold wind chills my spine. I am telling the hills on the other side I have come back. The trees on the hill too sway with the wind. The pebbles and stones are bright, and the ones I carried long ago are even brighter. I take a flat one and whirl on the composed river. It bounces thrice and finally sinks down. It glitters from the bottom. And I know this is all I had wanted!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Magic Mountains & The Amber Sea

for all those wonderful lovely souls, objects and moments – a reflection of my own self...

I had once read in this amazing book ‘The Road Less Travelled’ by M. Scott Peck that no matter what, whether we want it or not, Grace will always find us and bless us.

It was on Thursday, 8th February 2001, Grace blessed me with Hanna Hudeczek (Hania). It was special, I did feel it in the beginning. Never did I realize to this extent as I did until recently, when she came to visit me, almost a decade later of first knowing each other, how blessed I have been by my Grace Hania.

It was during this holiday, trek around Annapurnas, this magical journey that we envisioned this name ‘Magic Mountains & The Amber Sea’ to relate to, to weave into our tales of magical moments, and, thus, to share this beautiful perception of life and Universe.

The magic did not come easy, like a wizard would make some circles with his/her magical stick in thin air and there we had it all. Life is not easy, it comes with all the bitterness and sweetness together. What is important is to see through all these, and see the magic that lies beyond. It is quite difficult to start with, but not impossible. One day, I don’t know how, I found beauty in suffering. It felt suffering can’t be that bad at all – there is something more behind the pain. This came with a lot of effort, and radical thinking and, thus, constant struggle within myself.
This magical journey has touched depths of our hearts and minds, shaken grounds of our values and ethics and all the preconceived ideas and notions of love and relationship, pure friendship, social life, ego, acceptance and humility and all that. Even after over two weeks after our magical journey, the moments and events and feelings are spinning in my heart and head, I finally have this moment to write.

I always have had this strong believe in this world beyond the perceptual world. I am sure everybody does sense it in their own individual ways. This magical journey with beloved Hania has been unfolding of moments, events, and, thus, understanding at individual level – something like a cell that multiplies into a beautiful human, like a tiny seed growing into a beautiful flower – unfolding of magical mountains and the amber sea.

Form the very start, from the day Hania arrived, it was an amazing flow. The trek and the journey was like reliving childhood days. Taking care of each other, companionship of soul mates, listening to each other’s tales and spiritual musings, understanding each other without to have to utter words, allowing each other all the time and space in the world, the excitement of arriving a new home almost every day, moments of bliss, moments of silence – this journey has been the most magical of all.

It is amazing how we inspired each other and learnt from each other. Hania has this amazing sensitivity and understanding. She could hear my feelings, and made no compromise in her loving – a true friend, a caring sister, a warm mother – a genuine soul mate. Patience and kind lovingness of Hania has been my own sense for loving and growth. Long, beautiful and tranquil mornings, I would wake up in total magic and awe. This wonderful gift of magical journey with Hania, I felt lucky and blessed to discover her every day.

I remember, over two years ago, when I had climbed through the pine forest, the section between the bridge after Bhratang and Dhikur Pokhari, I had been hard hit by this melancholy – so intense with aroma of pines that was like reminiscence of a distant memory. This journey through the same pines, the melancholic reminiscence was fulfilled by immense love of Hania – I felt complete.

One of the most bizarre experiences and realizations has been finding my reflection on everything my eyes fell upon. As though everything I observed had some kind of subtle message for me – be this object a person, a perfect lining, magical mountains, river, animals, path, trees, anything and everything. The immense love I found in my big heart somehow was inspired by Hania – reflection of Hania’s loving.

The other realization, which came from Hania’s patience, was awaiting for events and moments to unfold. Learning to await, not to worry – worry about my own expectations, insecurities and plan. If it were to happen they would happen anyway. There will be signs and omens. And, how amazingly, this transformed me into a more softer and calm human in my everyday life.

This learning and growth was possible because we are not perfect, therefore, feeling free to be the real us without any pretence. This instilled in me confidence and faith in myself and my loving, to be bold and face myself.

I feel this strong desire to share this kind of learning – inspiring one another through true and unconditional love. I am so proud of our love – I would like to tell this story to my children, inspire them to have real big hearts. I was so excited to tell this story to beloved Rajani!

Hania had mentioned how she was going to miss all of this after getting back home. It had occurred to me then, we came into each other’s life like beautiful sunshine – one that will continue to give us warmth even after we are separate in terms of physical distance. The seed had been sown – I have no apprehension the magic would end with our journey. The spirit of this magical journey continues to live with us, and shine upon us to inspire us to find this magic in our daily lives.

The unfold of magical moments has been something like Hania had once mentioned, this magical journey we lived as we travelled together was already there, we were just playing our parts somehow. As though the magic has always been there, and we are lucky enough to (and sure enough to be able to accept) experience it unfold into moments as we travelled together.

It feels like a dream as I recall memories of the magical journey with Hania, yet only we know how real it was. I am still awe struck and treasure those special moments with Hania. I feel my heart has grown manifold in love – I already feel a new person than what I was before Hania’s arrival.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

In awe and enlightenment

Oh grace, existence, universe
I know I need not
Yet I can't help
To thank you
Thank you for 'me'

A beautiful dream
And those spirits I dreamt
All that wove the dream
Was love and grace

In total magic I woke up
I found
Meaning of myself and love
An enlightenment

A journey
A moment I can never forget
The climax that took all this while
For me to understand

That feeling of warmth
So loving and full of grace
A key
To unlock my enlightenment

Oh dear, I lie next to you
In total bliss
Love and grace
I thank you oh Existence!

Free from all my prejudices
To be able to embrace
Myself full in love
A feeling I simply can't describe
An enlightenment indeed

I know for myself
This feeling of blessedness
Magic and meaning of life
For me

Thank you oh existence!

7:30 am, Kathmandu

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Light of Wisdom

The present condition of my left wrist, which requires resting, is not a condition not to go and receive Rajani when she arrives coming Wednesday.
I am amazed to observe how all the bitterness of not understanding each other, just moments before Rajani left for India last Thursday, has vanished into the thin air. I can see it was the ego that blinded me a while.
All that matters to me is being next to my other half when she is back home.

The conversation and sharing last night is afresh. I am still thinking about all we talked about as we drank and sat around fire at Robins' place.
The thought of lust of the flesh is so tempting proposition at times it feels as though part of the world is led by male chauvinism spearheaded by dick head.

I am reminded of the incident of meeting Doreen at the Antaris Project while in Germany. How blissful I was being next to my new found friend when I needed love. Yet, nothing sexual happened between us.
This event is constant in my mind, and I can only feel it as a miracle.

Jumping back to the topic of lust of the flesh, it seems to me like an ego blind folding the eyes as long as I am not aware that I am.
When I can sense the ego of other kinds, like the bitter see-off incident with Rajani blinding me for a while, I do sense it must be so very normal that dick headed male chauvinism blinding the minds of men.

I thank to the existence - I sense the blind folding ego rides our mind creates which would make us do things probably we would not have wanted to otherwise.
I am also aware of the paradox that exists, and I am trying to find the meaning for myself.

It is amazing to witness the universe working inside me and I am sure this is similar for many of us. I am so happy to sense the wisdom that feels like the clear blue sky which was blurred by the gray clouds of ego.

No ego and no judgment, no judgment and all acceptance, and understanding things in their essential form rather than making a fantasy that actually doesn't exist, and being stubborn to this fantasy of mind.
It is not easy at all to distinguish between this fantasy and the essential being. On top, the social prejudices and norms that have molded us over the years makes it even more difficult to distinguish. It has been an immense challenge to me to have come to this understanding when the whole lot around me seem to have a different stance on the understanding.
Further, the other understanding is so infectious, to be able to stick to one's stance on wisdom seems feeble and even insane sometimes.

The tiny little hope of my understanding that I have seen is clue to my biggest wisdom I have sensed in recent years. And, to me, this would not have been possible without the presence of my other half in my life.

12:39 am
with Doreen at Antaris Project, Germany 2009
25th Jan 2010.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tiger Dreaming!

5:00 am and alarm on my mobile is abuzz. Time to wake up.

As I wake up, I find myself in some kind of remote place. This is somewhere amidst a valley next to a jungle. It is still dark, but what I see in front of me is absolutely beautiful. Never have I seen this kind of light coming from behind the mountains. The light is not spread across the sky, it lights up the edge of the mountains, and this is absolutely stunning. As I think to myself what a beautiful ride it is going to be, I take a little walk first.

There is this dog, one I have never seen before, follows me. We walk for a while and next to the woods. After a while I feel like going for a poo. I sit down by the road, and it is a relief. As I am sitting there, the corner of my sight sees something coming from the woods at about 30 or 40 meters. It is a bloody tiger with a catch in its mouth. It halts on the pathway that leads deeper into the woods. Dead frightened I spring and run back. The dog is ahead and I am panting as I follow. I am so frightened I imagine the tiger would pounce from behind. As I take a turn and am off sight from the tiger's view, I am relieved. I don't even look back and I continue back home.

5:20 am and another follow up alarm. I am half-awake from this crazy dream of tiger. Still lying in my bed, I dream meeting my biker friends, and telling them the tiger dreaming.

Finally, I am out of bed, and really think what a crazy dream it was. I am surprised what must be meaning of such a dream.

Deepak Dai arrives home at around 7 am, and immediately I tell him my dream. Then, we are off towards Budhanilkantha and the steep climb to helipad. It is quite interesting that after about 7 or 8 minutes on the way towards helipad after the tea stop there is no house or any people to find except for some rare passersby. The vegetation also changes rapidly, from trees to pines. It is like being in a jungle.

Halfway through the climb I feel like going for a poo. I find a grassy place by the side of the off-road. I sit down, watch the lovely pines around and enjoy the warm sun. Deepak Dai passes me by.

After a while, my jaws drop as I realize this is similar to what I had dreamt this morning. Wooow, can't believe I am living my dream. Immediately, I think about the tiger. Where is the tiger? Is there anything like tiger my way? I am very curious.

I think to myself I am in nature and in such a beautiful place. And, I can see the tiger is metaphor for the fear inside me. I remember running back home in my dream, and I then ask myself do I need to run from my fear! No way.

As I catch up Deepak Dai later, I tell him immediately what I found for my dream. He smiles, and we continue our journey downhill from helipad to Kopan, and then back home through Mandikatar.

Monday, 18 Jan 2010.